Moderation Commands
📄️ Autorole Multiple
Allow members to add/remove multiple roles at the same time!
📄️ Autorole Single
Sends an message that members can automatically add and remove.
📄️ Clone Channel
Mention a channel to clone it.
📄️ Clone Role
Mention a role to clone it.
📄️ Create Category
Create a new channel category.
📄️ Create Role
Mention a role to clone it.
📄️ Create Text
Create a new text channel with easy options!
📄️ Create Voice
Create a new voice channel with easy options.
📄️ Delete Channel
Mention a channel to delete it.
📄️ Delete Role
Mention a role to delete it.
📄️ Embed
Send a fancy message in your server!
📄️ Guild
Edit bot settings for your server!
📄️ Purge
Creates a clone of the channel and then deletes the original.