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Getting Started

Syntax Note

Do not type <>|[].

Those characters symbolize what the arguments are expected to be when the message is sent.

  • <> means the argument is required.
  • | means the argument is either X or Y in the scenario X | Y.
  • [] means the argument is optional.

Command Usage

@Strelitzia only has slash commands. She does not use the old prefix command system. You can see the list of commands

Rate Limit Commands

Some commands have Rate Limits. Rate Limit types

TimerWill block out usage of for X duration.
DailySimilar to Timer. However, it will block out usage until 24hrs has passed.

Example Rate Limit Flow:

Voting (shameless plug 😜)

Uncle Franxx wants you to vote!

Voting helps @Strelitzia's discoverability on! Right now voting on is the only have to get extra rewards! Oh... Yeah... You get a reward for voting!😋

Profile Settings

Check out the /profile command to see what customizations you can do on your profile.

Guild Settings

If you are a community Administrator you can modify @Strelitzia's settings for your server. Check out the /guild command for more details.